born in Hang Zhou, PR China, studied art in China and Germany, works in the field of video art, media installation and photography in China and Germany.
Ich und Ich media installation 2015
A visitor enters the room, which is dominated by a sofa. Sitting on it, with the lights dimmed down, on the opposite wall a projection reveals to the visitor- the real room is mirrored in the projection. About ME and the possibility of another ME with another life.
我和我 互动媒体装置 2015
观众进入房间入座沙发,房中的灯光暗淡下来,对面的墙映现出一个和这个房间相同的空间- 主角“我”会坐在相同沙发的相同位置中,而当另一名观众进入并入座后,投影中的空间里的另一个“我”也会出现在相同位置中。是否你身边黑暗中的陌生人会是另一个“你”?你曾经想往过另一种生活中的“你”吗?